Saturday, March 24 | Mötesplats Backa-Brunnsbo
Göteborg, Sweden:
Macro Profits with Microgreens
Hosted by

In this Microgreens workshop, you will learn:

What Microgreens are

WHY to Grow them on your farm

How to GROW & SELL them
And most importantly,

How to efficiently implement a crop plan
to meet the increasing production demand
Business Related Topics:
Market Research & Streams
Investment & Infrastructure
Production & Operation Systems
Pricing & Economics
The Full Experience
Not only will you learn the ins & outs of Microgreens production and how to increase profitability on your farm, but you will get to find out the most effective techniques to efficiently manage your production; from seed, to harvest.

+ The Culinary Taste
During this workshop we will use some fresh cut Microgreens to make a big healthy meal and appreciate the freshness of the "farm-to-fork" produce.
We will also take a glance at how to educate your clients on using Microgreens packed with flavour and nutrients in their kitchen.
Who we are
Gothenburg city through the Property Management Department is creating new farming opportunities in and outside of the city by making land available and offering support to farmers wanting to start a commercial farm.
Gothenburg collaborates with Stadsbruk, an innovative method to use empty land to create jobs through farming entrepreneurship. Through the Stadsbruk incubator, Europe’s first incubator for commercial urban farms, they run an education program and give consulting opportunities to develop successful organic urban and peri-urban farms.

Saba Nazarian, is a culinary farmer who specializes in growing high value, nutrient-dense greens all year round.
Limited by restrained space and cold local climate, he chose Microgreens as his main indoor crop to kickstart Sabzy Greens as a Micro-Farm in Montreal. Thanks to the quick-maturing nature of microgreens, soon he started supplying local chefs and the health-conscious community
with freshly cut greens.
As a mission-driven Agripreneur, Saba has devoted himself to helping other farmers create productive and profitable farming enterprises by sharing his knowledge and experience gained from working with his mentors
Curtis Stone and Jean-Martin Fortier.
*You will be redirected to the Paypal website where you can make your purchase
using either your credit card or your Paypal account.
*Space is limited, so make sure to sign up fast to take advantage of this opportunity!